Star Wars Juno Eclipse

2020. 1. 24. 04:03카테고리 없음

Star Wars Juno Eclipse

Despite the apprentice's years of immersion into the Dark side of the Force, Juno Eclipse ultimately proved to be the catalyst behind Galen Marek's redemption. When Marek first met Juno Eclipse, he was unsure what to think of her, as she was his first female pilot. His initial interactions with her were awkward, though he slowly grew more relaxed. Juno Eclipse was created for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and, in the game, the player character shares a love interest with Eclipse. Juno Eclipse is portrayed by British actress and former model Nathalie Cox. In casting the role of Juno Eclipse, LucasArts decided that they wanted an actress with a British accent.

' When he came to me in the bar, among all his dark thoughts, I glimpsed one bright spot. One beautiful thing he held onto, even at the end.' ―Rahm Kota, to Juno EclipseJuno Eclipse was a and in the. Prior to her service in the, Eclipse served in the of the. A of the on, her, she ultimately attained the of after making a name for herself as an exceptionally skilled.

At the height of her career, the young was personally chosen by —the and —to lead the. Although she was initially honored to serve under Vader's command, Eclipse was disturbed by the tactics which she considered excessively brutal.In the aftermath of the in, Eclipse was reassigned to an experimental called the. In this capacity, she would serve as the personal pilot to Vader's secret apprentice,.

Star Wars Force Unleashed Juno Eclipse

Initially unaware of her passenger's purpose, she learned that the apprentice was an who the that survived the initial of. After the apprentice betrayed by his, Eclipse was and accused of due to her association with Starkiller. Disillusioned with the Empire, Eclipse supported the apprentice's efforts to organize a rebellion against the Emperor, but later discovered that Starkiller was still loyal to Vader. This revelation came as a surprise to her, given Starkiller's near experience and Eclipse's imprisonment, both of which resulted from Vader's plotting.

Nevertheless, Eclipse remained faithful to Starkiller but also implored him to reconsider his intentions concerning their newfound allies.Following a second betrayal by Vader, who captured the and left Starkiller for dead on, Eclipse and the apprentice pursued the latter's master to the in order to the, and as well as. Their mission was successful, but at the cost of the apprentice's life. Eclipse mourned the apprentice, whom she had grown close to during their short together, yet also remained with the Alliance to honor his legacy. Retaining the rank of Captain, she was granted command of the Rebel during the onset of the. Unknown to Eclipse, Vader had his late apprentice multiple times in an effort to create.

In addition to numerous, the experiment produced —a clone who inherited Starkiller's emotional attachment to Eclipse. ' Captain Juno Eclipse, born on Corulag where she became the youngest student ever accepted into the Imperial Academy.' ―PROXY, detailing the profile of Captain Juno Eclipse.Captain Juno Eclipse in Imperial naval uniform.Juno Eclipse was born on as the daughter of a. As a child, she developed a fascination with cultures and diversity, a trait which her mother encouraged. Early in her life, however, Eclipse was dealt a personal tragedy when her mother died, reportedly caught in the crossfire of an insurrection on Corulag. The loss of her mother left the young Juno in the care of her father, who increasingly became cold and distant after the death of his wife. Nevertheless, Eclipse desperately desired to win the approval of her only remaining parent.

As a result, she developed into a loyal supporter of the, mainly due to the fact that her father was an uncompromising Imperialist who was enamored with those that enlisted into service.In addition to being indoctrinated into, Juno Eclipse's father attempted to impart his to his daughter. A fierce supporter of the Emperor, Eclipse's father loathed the fallen and wholeheartedly believed the Emperor's false account of the Jedi's attempt to by assassinating then- Palpatine.

Despite her's father obvious contempt towards the Order, Eclipse never developed any personal resentment against the Jedi, mainly due to the fact that she possessed very little knowledge of the Jedi or.In a last attempt to win her father's approval once and for all, Juno Eclipse dedicated her young life to entering Imperial service. It was Eclipse's hope that her father would be elated by her career choice, mainly so that she could finally earn the same admiration that he felt for the Empire's enlisted personnel. Despite her youth, Eclipse was accepted into the on Corulag at the age of fourteen, thus making her the youngest ever to be welcomed into the Empire's military training institution. Imperial pilot. ' My orders are clear; I'm to keep your ship running and fly you where ever your missions require.' ―Juno Eclipse upon meeting Starkiller.Captain Eclipse secretly feels remorse for the planet-wide loss of life on Callos.Despite graduating at the top of her class with high honors, Juno Eclipse was heartbroken when her father did not attend her graduation ceremony.

Grieved by him for the final time, Eclipse disowned her father and homeworld in order to move on from an unhappy childhood. Having severed her ties to the past, Eclipse decided that her only family from that point on would be the Imperial Navy.Early on in her career, Eclipse flew many successful combat missions throughout the as an, awarding her the admiration of her peers and commanding officers. Through quick promotions that led to the rank of, she eventually gained command of, elite unit of eight pilots. Owing to this, she also was one of several Imperial TIE pilots to act as a test pilot for the then-in-development prototype next-generation starfighter. Though she originally considered serving under the second most powerful man in the Empire as the highlight of her career, Eclipse's quick discovery of the Dark Lord's brutal tactics would weigh heavily on her conscience. It was during the when she demonstrated her loyalty to Vader when, despite obvious misgivings about obeying her orders, she continued her assault on the already beaten and defenseless planet, leading to the mass genocide and complete sterilization of all life on the planet.In addition to her loyalty, Vader also realized that Captain Eclipse lacked the ruthlessness he found vital to commanding the Black Eight Squadron.

Thus, Eclipse was reassigned to a top-secret mission in which she would pilot the Rogue Shadow, a state-of-the-art, as well as the transport of, Darth Vader's. In addition to Eclipse and Starkiller, the third member of the vessel's crew was, Starkiller's droid companion. Although mistakenly believing that the young man was one of Vader's spies, she soon discovered that Starkiller was actually tasked with the responsibility of exterminating the last of the Jedi Order. Eclipse assisted Starkiller by flying him to, and all the while trying to get to know and understand Darth Vader's enigmatic enforcer. Aside from hunting Jedi, Eclipse transported Starkiller to the on multiple times, in order for the apprentice to undergo metaphysical training at the behest of Darth Vader. During his second trial inside the Temple, Starkiller fought an apparition of the long-dead.

During the test, Phobos disguised herself in the form of Juno Eclipse, knowing that the young woman's death was among the fears of the aspiring Sith. Starkiller eventually prevailed in the trial by overcoming his fear and returned to the Rogue Shadow with Eclipse none the wiser about his feelings.Starkiller, PROXY and Juno Eclipse on the Rogue Shadow 's bridge.It was during their time together that Eclipse inadvertently discovered the plot to overthrow and kill Emperor Palpatine while spying on the apprentice and his Master.

Although torn between her duty to her immediate superior, Darth Vader, and her duty to the Emperor, Juno continued to serve as Starkiller's pilot while feigning ignorance in regards to their secret agenda. After defeating on Felucia, Starkiller returned to his Master, only to discover that the Emperor had learned of his existence. Starkiller was betrayed, and seemingly killed, by Lord Vader at the behest of the Emperor. Afterward, Eclipse was arrested and declared a traitor to the Empire by Vader. For the next six months, she was kept as a prisoner aboard the Sith Lord's science vessel, the. Forging an alliance. ' You're still loyal to Vader!

After he branded me a traitor and tried to kill you, you're still hishis' His slave.' ―Juno Eclipse and StarkillerStarkiller moves to rescue Juno Eclipse from captivity aboard the Empirical.Unknown to Juno Eclipse, however, Starkiller's supposed 'death' was staged by Darth Vader, who managed to save his apprentice's life by using the Empirical 's medical facility to heal and improve the Sith assassin's wounded body. Upon being awoken from a six-month coma, Starkiller received new orders from his Master; build an to distract the Emperor in order to create a window of opportunity to finally kill him. In addition to his new assignment, Starkiller was required to sever all connections to his past, with the exception of PROXY. But the apprentice was unable to force himself to leave Juno Eclipse to die on the science vessel and opted to save her instead, but not before rationalizing his actions by claiming that he still required a pilot for the Rogue Shadow.When Starkiller revealed his plan to incite a full-scale rebellion against Emperor Palpatine, Eclipse was the first to join his cause, essentially because of the fact that she was a 'traitor' who had nowhere else to go. Starkiller purposely neglected to mention, however, that he remained as the apprentice of Darth Vader, and that the rebellion was actually the Dark Lord's idea.

Ironically, their new mission to recruit others to the Rebel cause led them right back to their first target, the disillusioned General. After searching Nar Shaddaa, the site of the fateful battle where Kota lost his sight, the crew of the Rogue Shadow were able to track the missing Jedi to. There, they discovered that the general had abandoned his cause in favor of heavy drinking in the, a bar in.After battling their way through the city with the blind and inebriated Jedi in tow, Eclipse brought Starkiller for a final time to the Jedi Temple, where the Sith assassin inadvertently began to rediscover his Jedi heritage. Upon completing his inspections of the Temple's ruins, the Rogue Shadow 's crew journeyed to, where Starkiller rescued, the adopted daughter of. After saving the Princess and destroying the that was used to transport slaves from the surface, the Rogue Shadow set a new course for Felucia to rescue Bail Organa.Soon after being rescued from the fallen, Organa was willing to join Starkiller's rebellion, though he was convinced that the Empire would have to be seen as vulnerable in order to entice the countless dissidents across the galaxy to take up arms against Emperor Palpatine. Starkiller, passing as a, agreed to meditate on the subject. In the apparent privacy of his ship, however, he contacted Darth Vader and received instructions to attack a shipyard above Raxus Prime.

During the conversation, Eclipse discovered eavesdropped on Starkiller and was genuinely shocked to discover the apprentice's true allegiance. Though she angrily confronted Starkiller over his deceptions and continued existence as Vader's slave, Starkiller remained firmly attached to his Master's cause, albeit with a sense of regret at having emotionally hurt Eclipse. Although she chose to stay with him, Eclipse implored Starkiller to consider the fact that the rebellion's fate would ultimately be decided by him, rather than Darth Vader. Eclipse also asked him to not force her to leave behind another life, having already lost the only life she ever had while serving in the Imperial Navy.On Raxus Prime, Starkiller succeeded in destroying the shipyard, as well as in pulling down a Star Destroyer through the power of the Force. But what truly impressed Eclipse was how Starkiller went to great lengths to save PROXY from the, a planet-wide computer mainframe that infected the apprentice's droid ally. His efforts in saving his oldest friend, even though it was only a droid, made Eclipse realize that Starkiller had feelings that made him more than just another Sith and merciless assassin.With the Galactic Empire's weaknesses exposed, the first meeting of the Alliance to Restore the Republic was held on.

Present were Starkiller, Bail Organa, Princess Leia, Rahm Kota and Juno Eclipse; Princess Leia was also present via transmission through PROXY. Just before the Alliance could be formalized, however, Darth Vader arrived with the Imperial Military at his back and had the Alliance leaders completely surrounded.

Juno eclipse rule 34

After ordering his soldiers to take the Rebels' alive so that the Emperor could personally kill them, Vader revealed that the rebellion and his plot to murder the Emperor had all been a ruse, just to get the Empire's major enemies in one place in order to wipe them out. While Vader and Starkiller confronted each other, PROXY led Eclipse away from the ambush, stating that Starkiller would need her later.While Eclipse returned to the safety of the Rogue Shadow, PROXY distracted Vader long enough for Starkiller to escape, but was nearly destroyed in the process. The Dark Lord then left Corellia with the Alliance founders as his prisoners, not realizing that Eclipse had survived and was waiting for the opportunity to retrieve Starkiller.

On-board the vessel once more, Starkiller bitterly lamented to Eclipse about how he had been deceived since waking up on the Empirical; how he had been used as an instrument of the Dark Lord's will throughout his entire life before ultimately being discarded. Eclipse helped to console the former apprentice by reminding him that the fate of the Alliance still rested in Starkiller's hands. It was at that moment that Starkiller renounced his past ties to his former Master, deciding to rescue the Alliance leaders and truly oppose the Sith Lords.

Before leaving Corellia, he revealed to Eclipse that his birth name was Galen Marek, thus dropping his identity as Starkiller, the codename that his former Master had bestowed upon him. Battle on Death Star I. ' Am I going to see you again?' ' If I can free the rebels, they're going to need extraction. Probably not, no.' ' Then I'll never need to live this down.' ―Juno Eclipse and Galen Marek, just before she kisses him for the first and last time.Galen Marek and Juno Eclipse kiss for the first and last time.After discerning the location of the would-be Rebels, Juno Eclipse and Galen Marek traveled to, the planet in close proximity to where the Empire's secret battle station, the was still under construction.

Using the Rogue Shadow 's advanced cloaking system, Juno was able to guide the ship through the station's defenses and enter the thin atmosphere around the Death Star. As Marek prepared to infiltrate the Death Star, Juno inquired as to whether or not she would ever see him again. Given how much the odds were stacked against him, Marek was forced to express how he was not likely to survive the mission. Before Marek could leave, however, Juno kissed him.While Marek fought his way to Observation Dome, Juno took the ship to safety and waited to be notified when the Rebels required an extraction from the battle station. As the former drew closer to the Rebels' location, Juno and Marek continued to communicate through a. She also analyzed the and became instantly awed by the magnitude of its power, but also fearful of what Palpatine would do with such a destructive weapon at his disposal.When the time came to extract the Alliance leaders from the Death Star, Juno positioned the Rogue Shadow just outside of Palpatine's Observation Dome.

Rahm Kota

As the former Imperial boarded the ship, the dome was rocked by a massive explosion, thus forcing Juno to leave without Marek. Although General Kota and the Senators were safely aboard the vessel, Juno was heartbroken to learn that Marek his life in order to cover their escape. Retrieving PROXY. Bail Organa: ' PROXY, do you have standing reassignment orders?' PROXY: ' Yes. Starkiller was very clear on that.


I now serve you, Captain Eclipse.' Juno Eclipse: ' Me?' ―PROXY's reassignment ordersJuno and Organa retrieve and reactivate PROXY onboard the Rogue Shadow.Shortly before formalizing the Alliance, the leaders decided to keep a recording of the formation of the Alliance; remembering that PROXY was last seen there, she traveled with Bail Organa to Corellia on the Rogue Shadow. They found the damaged droid half-buried in snow and managed to repair the droid on board the ship. Upon his re-activation, the droid immediately asked where Starkiller was, to which Juno revealed that he was dead.

After some initial disbelief, PROXY stated that his former Master anticipated his own death and left the droid with a contingency order to serve Juno Eclipse.Bail Organa wished to record the Alliance's history, and thus sought to learn more information about the man who helped bring about its creation. PROXY narrated all that he had recorded about Marek's origins and his service to Darth Vader, as well as their many missions together. When he finished, Juno explained to PROXY about the events that occurred after his deactivation, including Marek's sacrifice at the. The formation of the Alliance.

Rahm Kota: ' He is at last one with the Force.' Juno Eclipse: ' You always knew who he was, didn't you?' Kota: ' I suspected, yes.' Eclipse: ' Then why did you help us? After all the things we've done?'

Kota: ' When he came to me in the bar, among all his dark thoughts, I glimpsed one bright spot. One beautiful thing he held onto, even at the end.' Eclipse: ' What?'

Kota: ' You.' ―Rahm Kota and Juno EclipseKota tells Juno that Marek loved her.After bringing the Alliance leaders to, Eclipse initially distanced herself from the other Rebels, mainly due to her remorse over Marek's death. While gazing at the stars in the sky, Rahm Kota attempted to comfort her with the knowledge that Galen Marek was finally one with the Force, having rejected the by dying in the. Eclipse commented to herself that death was infinitely preferable to a life without hope.

She also realized that Kota knew all along that Marek was the same who blinded him on the TIE fighter factory above Nar Shaddaa. Kota admitted that he did have his suspicions, causing to ask why Kota still aided Marek, despite his allegiance to Darth Vader. The simply expressed his belief in Marek's capacity for redemption, and also revealed to Eclipse that she was the ultimate catalyst for the Secret Apprentice's conversion to the light side of the Force.When Eclipse asked if Marek would be remembered, Kota brought her inside the hut where the Senators declared the official formation of the Rebel Alliance. In memory of the Secret Apprentice's sacrifice, the Alliance adopted the as the symbol that would unite countless beings in a movement to overthrow Emperor Palpatine's oppressive tyranny and restore the Galactic Republic back to its former glory. At that moment, Eclipse swore to never forget Galen Marek or the example he had set for her and all others who chose to fight the Emperor. Joining the Rebels. ' Soldiers of the Rebellion.

Soldiers of The Salvation. This is the beginning.

Remember this moment.' ―Juno Eclipse, to the crew of The Salvation on the day of its inaugurationThe Rebel flagship Salvation, under the command of Captain Juno Eclipse.Inspired by Galen Marek's sacrifice, Juno Eclipse stayed with the newly formed Rebel Alliance. To ensure that Marek's death would not be in vain, Eclipse dedicated her life to serving in the Alliance's Rebel Fleet, becoming an officer in its ranks and retaining the rank of that she previously earned in the Imperial Navy. Shortly afterward, Captain Eclipse received a commission as the commanding officer of the, an and the of the fledgling Rebellion.At the inauguration of the Salvation prior to its first launch, former personally presented the prized warship to its captain and crew, officially naming it the Salvation to emphasize what the Rebellion desperately needed in its struggle against the Galactic Empire. Captain Eclipse then stepped in, thanking Mothma, and gave an impassioned speech to her crew. While she admitted that the Salvation did not provide them with the largest ship, the most powerful weapons or the most starfighters, she assured the crew-members that their greatest asset was faith—in themselves, in each other and especially in the righteousness of the Alliance's just cause. Captain Eclipse also took responsibility for her infamous reputation, admitting to her past service under Darth Vader and how her actions led to the destruction of Callos.

Despite her Imperial past, the crew of the Salvation served under Captain Eclipse, determined to avenge the atrocities committed in the name of Emperor Palpatine.As captain of the Salvation, Eclipse retained PROXY at her side and often worked with Rahm Kota, leaving the Rogue Shadow to the aging general. While Eclipse agreed with Kota's opinion that the Rebellion would never accomplish anything significant if it didn't achieve a major or symbolic victory against the Empire, and often urged the Alliance leadership to consider attacking a valuable target, she was considerably far more patient with her superiors than Kota was.

Not wanting to see Kota break off from the Alliance if he ever lost his patience with its, Eclipse often aided the and his on certain missions that were not sanctioned by their superiors. Eclipse eventually received orders to take the Salvation to an Imperial-controlled planet called.

Star Wars Juno Eclipse